Making: Lots of plans for our upcoming vacations. Can't believe we leave for South Carolina in a week and Hawaii in 3!
Cooking: Meals for daayyyssss. I finally decided that I needed to go grocery shopping and cook some dinner. Hopefully I keep up on my plans before all my produce spoils. That's usually the case around here. 
Drinking: Water, water, water, and more water. Breastfeeding makes you SO thirsty.
Reading: A couple different books. Current favorite is Eleanor and Park. 
Wanting: For the phone call to pick up my wedding ring from the jewelers. Big exciting upgrades are in store :)
Looking: At my sweet little one playing and babbling on her mat next to me. 
Playing: Silly faces and baby talk. This stage is the absolute best. 
Wasting: Time before I have to get ready for work tonight. Why is going to work always so hard, even if you love your job?
Sewing: Little tiny leggings. My long skinny baby needs all her pants taken in these days. 
Wishing: That we had a money tree. This working opposite shifts of my husband thing is getting reallllyyyy old. 
Enjoying: The cookies and cream ice cream in my freezer right now. 
Waiting: for Jordan to get home
Liking: That my baby successfully sleeps through the night. 9+ uninterrupted hours of sleep again feels HEAVENLY. 

Wondering: How busy work will be tonight and if Nova will let me sleep tomorrow after my shift. 
Loving: That I have the next two weekends off to spend with my loves. 
Hoping: My phone battery makes it through the night at work. I need an upgrade in the worst way. iPhone 6 here I come. 
Marveling: at how in the world my baby got so big. She's so close to rolling over it's ridiculous. 
Needing: Sophie the giraffe with us everywhere we go. 
Smelling: a poopy bum and the baby lotion we put on earlier today. 
Wearing: Sweats and soon scrubs. Then in the morning back to sweats, then back to scrubs.
Following: twitter and instagram. I'm addicted. I'll say it. 
Noticing: that the air is more crisp these days. So excited for fall.
Knowing: That I'm finally feeling more confident at work. Did I mention I have the best job?
Thinking: about how much I have to do before we leave on our trips. Also, how does laundry pile up so fast?
Feeling: tired
Bookmarking: soup recipies
Opening: a packet of chai tea. Cold weather calls for warm chai.
Giggling: with my beautiful girl.
Feeling: happy.

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