I'm seriously shocked to say the least! I thought this little bean was a boy from the very beginning. Jordan had no thoughts or desires on either sex so he was surprised either way. I'm still not totally convinced yet. We call her a she and even sometimes by her name, but I almost need extra assurance that it's a girl. There may be a retraction post in a few weeks telling you that it's a boy instead ;)

The day started out with me and my sister in law Amber heading over to fetal fotos. Because of insurance reasons I had to push my 'Big" ultrasound from mid-december until the beginning of January and I wasn't about to wait that long to see what gender our little one was. We watched her wiggle around and be stubborn for about 20 minutes before the ultrasound tech told me to close my eyes. I heard her tell Amber "I am 100% sure about this" and she typed something into the computer. Afterwards she let me watch her wiggle around some more. It's amazing what our bodies can do and create. Sweet little thing.

Next item of business was dropping Amber off at the part supply store to get the stuff ready without me being there. I wanted her to get black balloons and fill them with either blue or pink confetti. Later we would hang the up and pop the balloons on top of us.

It was the longest wait of my life. I got back from the ultrasound around 3, and the party wasn't going on until 6. Finally Jordan got home from work and we were able to rush over there and finally find out what our sweet little one was going to be.

Popping the balloons and seeing the pink confetti everywhere was the best feeling. All of our family and friends were around and everyone was so excited and happy to welcome this sweet little girl into the family. I'm so happy I waited and was surprised with everyone else. Also, I'm so happy that I can finally start buying and planning and prepping for her to get here. Since nursing school I've become this insane little planner. I feel like I now have to have everything ready and in place before she gets here (and by before she gets here I mean like I need it ready by next week), and not knowing the gender was really putting a damper on my plans. Although we've known for a week now and I still can't get myself to buy anything except diapers. Go figure.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving this past weekend. I know we sure did! Little girl decided it was time to give her mom a few swift kicks on thanksgiving day. Either it was the food or the 3 cups of juice I had right before I felt her, but either way I'm so grateful to finally feel something! I feel her all the time now dancing and kicking away. It's such a cool feeling! I'm sure in a few weeks when these soft little flutters turn into swift kicks in the ribs I will take all of this back. But for now i'm enjoying knowing she's in there and her letting her mama know that everything is ok.

I'll post some belly shots, but just a warning there's not much there. Little girl is growing low. I think she likes where she's at (Which is bouncing on my bladder. Whoever said that the peeing every 5 minutes eases up in the 2nd trimester has obviously not met my child.) I'm still sitting in that stage where I either look super fat in all my clothes or people ask "I thought you were pregnant, are you not pregnant?" (true story). Please enjoy :) (The belly pics are off my camera. Jordan is still getting the hang of being photographer, and I don't have time to edit them. The ultrasound and party pics are off my iPhone. Sorry for the low quality on both)

^^ 14 weeks ^^

^^ 15 weeks ^^

^^ 16 weeks ^^ (this was as of last night)

^^ Pure happiness ^^

^^ Before the big reveal ^^

^^ It's a GIRL ^^

^^ The little stinker sat like this for 20 minutes. Her head at the bottom and legs up over her head. She wasn't giving up the goods that easily ^^

^^ Sweet little profile ^^

^^ Finishing up the balloons. If you look to the right, you'll see my dad hiding himself with Deker. Right after this, the balloon popping made Deker scream with terror. ^^

^^ Nothing between those little legs! ^^

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