How Far Along:   19 weeks and 4 days

Size of baby:  10 oz and 6.5 inches

Total weight gained/lost:  I'm still sitting at about a 2 lb gain. That is saying my parent's bathroom scale is accurate.

Maternity Clothes:  I bough some Maternity shirts for myself for Christmas this year. Can I just say maternity tank tops are AMAZING! My regular shirts still fit for the most part, but some of them just look kind of awkward. I'm in leggings most days, but jeans still fit if I wear my belly band so I can keep them unbuttoned :)

Gender:  Still a Girl! :)

Movement: She's gotten a lot stronger these days. Instead of little flutters there's big distinct kicks and movements. I've been sick and just developed a cough, and yesterday I felt her get startled for the first time after I coughed. 

Sleep: Still sleep just ok. Still get up to pee all night, and now sleeping on my stomach is getting harder as my stomach is getting harder. Let's just say I'm pretty uncomfortable come night time. 

Symptoms:  My back pain is subsiding….Thank You!!! Still peeing, still hungry. That's still just about it. 

What I miss:  Sleep... 

Cravings: I'm not really craving much lately. I'll eat pretty much anything these days. 

Best Moment this week:  Spending Christmas with our families. I have the post-christmas blues today. 

What I am looking forward to: Our trip to Mexico in a week! I'm seriously dreaming of the beach and warmer weather. 

^^ Merry Christmas from us! The last Christmas as a family of 2! ^^

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