Sorry everyone I've been MIA from this little blog lately. It's just we have had a big secret and I've been too scared that I would spill the beans somehow.....drumroll.... We are having a baby!!! I'm due in May (2 weeks after graduation...eeek!) and it's a total surprise to both of us considering we weren't trying for a baby quite yet, but we are both ecstatic! I still can't believe there's a little human moving and grooving inside my belly. The baby hasn't let me forget it's in there though, with the constant nausea and feeling like I need 3 naps a day (although I can't sleep because I'm peeing every second). I'm very grateful though, because the sickness could be a lot worse. I'm 11 1/2 weeks today, and our little he or she is the size of a plumb. It's amazing how fast they grow in just a few weeks. Anyhow, now that the secret is out I will blog more (but mostly about baby...sorry). Can't wait to see what this little person turns out to be. I'm already craving holding that sweet newborn day and night.
^^ The picture we showed to our families to tell them the news ^^
^^ First ultrasound of my little blob. Also, proof that there's actually something in there ^^
^^ How we told everyone else ^^
^^ Not much there yet. Stay tuned (don't mind my pjs and messy hair.It was bed time for this mama) ^^